Anyway, we chose Star Trek. I had heard great things about this film when it came out, but I was still skeptical. I am a marginal Star Trek fan, and Carrie has never even seen the original TV series. I have to say, this movie lived up to the hype and more.
This can be considered a prequel to the original TV show, giving us the origins of Captain Kirk and the gang, and showing us how they made their way aboard the Starship Enterprise. Some Trekkie purists may be upset that some liberties were taken with some of the details of the original show, but they need to get over it. This is by far the best Star Trek motion picture (yes, better than Wrath of Kahn), and they should be thankful that a whole new audience is being exposed to the franchise.
Since the overall plot involves some time travel, I won't even bother to explain it, but don't worry, it's more than sufficient to carry along the action without leaving you lost. And speaking of action, this movie starts and stops with it. I can't remember the last movie I watched that was so well-paced. It hits you right in the face from the opening scene and never stops; genuine jump-in-your-seat scares, humor, and excellent special effects.
The casting of the film was spot on. Chris Pine really captured the essence of William Shatner's Kirk, without the hammy campiness, and Pittsburgh native Zachary Quinto is absolutely perfect as Mr. Spock. McCoy, Scotty, Uhura, and the rest of the crew are all well-played by actors that I really wasn't that familiar with. No one does an impersonation of the original actors, but a fine interpretation of the original.
The appeal of the original series was the well-developed interaction of those classic characters, not over-the-top special effects. This film adheres to that formula. Yes, the special effects are great, but they are not the star. Between all of the action, Star Trek somehow manages to take the time to make us care about this new version of the crew. Speaking of the effects, there was something perfect about them to me. Oftentimes there is so much CGI in a film that I feel like I'm watching an animated movie (take note, George Lucas). Here the effects are just right - spectacular, but not out in front.
My ONLY beef - unlike the original series, this film doesn't deal with any weighty philosophical/moral issues, but that's OK... for now. Hopefully the next installment will revolve around ideas worthy of the old TV show, but this franchise kickstart is great popcorn fun.
Before the movie, I was a bit grumpy about having to be out on a work night, but after, we were both is a good mood - just what a good action movie should do. Carrie was even interested in checking out the original TV series. The movie is also fairly clean, with just a few mild instances of profanity.
I'm sure will see more adventures in this new version of Star Trek, and I am very much looking forward to them. I say "Go."

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