Tuesday, July 15, 2008

The Real Before and After...

We've shown you pictures previously of the "before and after" from the prior owner to us. If you want to be really blown away, take a look at these shots, taken by Steve, of what the house looked like 2 years ago when he bought it. Take that, "Extreme Home Makeover"!!

Like the bookcases glued to the wall?

Here is the current view....

More Before views...

Note the entryway into the dining room- no columns
New view into the dining room...

Check out that color! What is that- cantaloupe?


Their color choice bravery did not extend to the hallway apparently.

Is anyone else thirsty for tomato juice?


I think this is my favorite paint choice- pink sponge. This looks to be a baby's room- the poor child!


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