The movie catches up with Indy (Harrison Ford, of course) during the 1950s. It's the Cold War and Communists have now replaced the Nazis as the villains. The plot is pretty complicated and involves commies, aliens, the mythical city of El Dorado and, as the title states, a crystal skull. But as with most Indiana Jones movies, you don't need to concern yourself with these kinds of details. It would be like taking in the scenery on a roller coaster ride.
The film has all of the things that you would expect — exotic locations, swarms of really big ants, quicksand, snakes and the obligatory Indy-leaping-from-vehicle-to-vehicle fight scene.
I have to admit that it was nice to see Harrison Ford back in the role of Indiana Jones. By the way, does this guy ever age? Sheesh - I hope I look that good when I'm 66! He delivers some funny one-liners and looks very comfortable in the old hat and jacket. Shia Labeouf does a fine job as Indy's sidekick and we even get a surprise appearance from one of Jones' old flames, who has her own surprise for Indy.
Was this movie as good as Raiders of the Lost Ark? No. But let's be honest, Temple of Doom was no masterpiece either. I think critics that did not like this movie are looking at the other films in the series with rose-colored glasses. This is a sequel that will fit in very well with the other films in the sure-to-follow boxed set. I say "Go."

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