Tuesday, May 25, 2010

The Biggest Little City...

Last week we took an amazing vacation out west to Reno and Southern California (but Reno is not near Southern California, you're thinking? You're right- we drove a lot!)

Our first few days were spent in Reno visiting Jim's cousin Marilyn and her husband Don. We couldn't have asked for more gracious hosts. They played tour guide for us all weekend.

This is their beautiful home which they purchased in 2006...

The *amazing* back yard and views...

They took us into the city at night so we could see the sights. Here's the famous sign...

Reno was a total bonanza for Jim and his hobby of photographing signs. I just quickly picked out a few to show here...

This one's my favorite...

We did lots more on our trip... Check back tomorrow!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Looks like you had a lot of fun! Wow....what a beautiful house! I don't think there are any bad views in that area! Good to have you back home!