Monday, December 8, 2008

Holiday Poll...

Those of you that have heard our Christmas CD already know what Holiday songs we like. Here's your chance to view our most hated songs and weigh in on your least favorite selection. These are the tunes that truly make us cringe. See poll to the right...

Each day this week we'll reveal some choice lyrics from one of these gems, so check back.


Anonymous said...

I finally realized which song "Step Into Christmas" was and I'm amazed that after hearing it for the last 20+ years, I never understood what he was saying or even what the title of the song was. That's just bad marketing. :) I also heard "Christmas Shoes" twice this week. They are both horrible, but I voted for Elton. P.S. Still didn't get your CD. :( Wonder what happened?

Anonymous said...

I guess I liked them all. I was humming along through most of the CD. You did a nice job choosing songs.