Saturday, February 6, 2010

Snowmageddon 2010!

Yesterday we had zero inches of snow. Today, we woke up to 22! We spent 3 hours shoveling and were able to dig out 1 car and the neighbor's driveway. Once we got the car out, we went out to get something to eat but all the stores and restaurants were closed. Oh well- we'll need the car soon anyway. Got a call from the Borough that a State of Emergency has been declared because so many are without heat and power. In fact, our friends and their cat are on their way over right now because they have no power and their house is 46 degrees!

I've never seen so much snow in my life. Enjoy the pictures...

The Kia!
And there's the Saturn...

The neighbor's driveway...
Cold Paws...
Is it time to go in?


neatr_natr said...

Your stairs were slippery when they were kind of wet, how are they now. Did Bear love the snow?

Hannah + Dale said...

Looked like Bear was skeptical. Nice pictures. Its funny how all "snow" pictures pretty much look same.