Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Looking Ahead...

With the Super Bowl behind us and the days draaaaaaagging by in February (historically the worst month for weather in Pittsburgh) I have to remind myself that there are things worth looking forward to. In fact, it was 66 degrees here today and I looked forward to that for a week! It only seems miserable because it has been cold and grey for 4 months. So here are some big and small things I'm looking forward to in the coming days, weeks & months (in approximate order of occurrence)

1. The Pittsburgh International Auto Show- where we can look at (but not buy-yet) our next new vehicle.
2. Valentine's Day- Yes, it's sappy, but at least we'll be having a nice dinner out at Mitchell's.
3. The births of the first babies of 2 of my closest friends, Jennifer and Marissa. (With Jessica to follow in the coming months)
4. My first piano lesson (more on this to follow!)
5. Our 6th wedding anniversary (The traditional gift this year is "Iron" - that makes it interesting)
6. Getting new grass planted - our yard is in sorry shape per the aforementioned months of crappy weather
7. Our big vacation in May - to Disney World & the Caribbean!
8. SPRING - Should make an appearance around late May/early June, just in time for 2 nice weeks before Summer is here and it is HOT and HUMID!

In case you couldn't tell, Pittsburgh and I have a love/hate relationship :) Happy February!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for making me part of your list of things to look forward to this month! :) Baby Davis is looking forward to meeting you, too!