Friday, March 20, 2009


Let me be the first to say, HAPPY SPRING!! For some reason, this year I was especially anticipating the change of seasons. Probably because winter has seemed extraordinarily long and drawn out this year. Here in Pittsburgh, the weather still won't be changing for a while, and it easily could snow, but at least I feel like we're making progress. You'll notice the winter trees are gone from the blog header (yay!). Now if we could just get our neighbors to turn off their Christmas lights. Anyway...

When the seasons change, it reminds me of a song I love by Nicole Nordeman, aptly titled, "Every Season". It talks not only about how we can see God in the beauty of creation, but also how He works in our life in all "seasons" we may pass through (see Ecclesiastes Chapter 3). These are the lyrics from the verse about Spring.

Everything that's new has bravely surfaced,
Teaching us to breathe.

What was frozen through is newly purposed,
Turning all things green.

So it is with you, and how you make me new,
With every season's change;

And so it will be, as you are recreating me,
Summer, Autumn, Winter, Spring.

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