Sunday, March 15, 2009

Jim's Show & Tell...

What's the topper to the Steelers winning the Super Bowl? How about getting to meet the Super Bowl-winning coach, Mike Tomlin? I had the privilege of meeting Tomlin and getting his autograph this weekend at the Soul Gala fundraiser for the Pittsburgh community organization, Hill House. I do a lot of freelance work for Hill House and for the last few years I've done the invites, program and other materials for the event. They are always gracious enough to invite me and Carrie to the event at the Carnegie Museum. He was very nice and I got him to sign one of the programs that I designed. (I was amused that he cautioned me to not touch the autograph for a while to make sure it didn't smear-he actually cared). Very cool!


Jon Graeser said...

I'm eating my heart out.

neatr_natr said...

So he should have his own charity called Mike Tomlin Cares, he can go around doing things for people and at the appropriate time, usually right at the "end", say "Mike Tomlin Cares" the hard part will be to know when to say it b/c if its at an inappropriate time he may be caught in an awkward moment.