Don't worry, our blog will not turn into a political commentary. Consider this a one time topic here.
Anyone who knows us knows that we are strongly opposed to Barack Obama. While we are not in favor of posting controversial political opinions in open forums- this IS our blog, and we feel free to express our thoughts here... And you should feel free to skip this post if you are offended.
Please keep in mind that we did not write this article, it is from another blog at It just makes many points that we agree with. We also want to make it clear that we are NOT questioning anyone's faith.
How can Christians support Obama?
October 9, 2008 by Laura Trackback URI
I am frustrated almost beyond belief that any Christian can support Obama. Once you get past the soaring rhetoric, you have a man who openly supported infanticide and then lied about it. He is a man who will implement - by his own admission - socialist policies that will harm America. Those policies directly harm the church; they bring people even further away from a reliance on God. He is a man whose campaign has engaged in thuggish tactics, including intimidation to limit others free speech - all things liberals freely accuse George Bush of, but are oddly silent on when it comes to Obama. He is a man who stayed in a church for TWENTY YEARS where his paster felt perfectly comfortable screaming “God damn America!” and engaging in lunatic tin-foil-hatted conspiracy mongering including claiming that the government invented AIDS to kill black people. And on all those things I just listed, Obama has denied, obfuscated, ducked the questions, outright lied about, and when all else fails, claims that such concerns are racist.
Frankly, I look at Christians who support Obama and wonder if they have lost their minds. I don’t like John McCain. But he is BY FAR a better man and a better leader than Barack Obama. I don’t like Hillary, but she deserved the nomination and also would have been a better leader. Each of the things I listed about Obama is proved beyond any shadow of a doubt, no matter how you parse or try to excuse it. Obama says things that sound good, especially in this post-modern culture. But Christians should have better judgment.
Forget the long list of people that he’d have us forget about, including people who have attempted and facilitated murder like Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn and who openly state they are not sorry for doing so. Forget his felon associates like Tony Rezko, who bought the lot next door to the Obamas which is fenced in and part of the Obama’s yard. Forget the fact that he has funneled taxpayer money to his family, friends, and wife’s employer. Forget all that. Infanticide. Not abortion rights, which I still disagree with, but infanticide. WHY isn’t that enough of a reason to repudiate this man? HOW can you support him? I simply do not understand it. Forget the untrue sophistry that Obama’s policies would prevent more abortions that repealing Roe. I’m not talking about abortion. I’m talking about evil; yes, EVIL. Obama voted against a bill that would have provided medical care to babies that survived abortion even though his own committee ensured that it would NOT have affected abortion rights. I’m talking about the character of a man who refused to protect these innocent, helpless victims of abortion. I don’t have to like John McCain or Hillary Clinton to believe that either one of them is a better human being and would make a better president than Barack Obama.
I don’t understand Christian Obama supporters. I probably will never understand them; how they can claim the high moral ground yet still support this man.
We know from Romans 13 that it is ultimately God who selects our leaders. But believing what I do about Obama (and I have provided the links to support my beliefs, which are well-substantiated) I will do what I can to spread the truth about him and encourage people to vote against him. If he is elected, I will trust in God’s sovereignty and goodness, and remember that...
"The LORD has made everything for its purpose, even the wicked for the day of trouble." (Proverbs 16:4)
and that this is ultimately not my home:
"They did not receive the things God had promised, but from a long way off they saw them and welcomed them, and admitted openly that they were foreigners and refugees on earth. Those who say such things make it clear that they are looking for a country of their own. They did not keep thinking about the country they had left; if they had, they would have had the chance to return. Instead, it was a better country they longed for, the heavenly country. And so God is not ashamed for them to call him their God, because he has prepared a city for them."(Hebrews 11:13-16)