This a new feature for our blog. I'm not sure how often I will do this, but I thought it would be fun to give our vast readership a heads-up on cool items, especially with the holidays coming up.
Today's featured item is the L.L. Bean Moonbeam clock. Carrie actually found this clock for me. My old digital alarm clock was not working correctly, so it was time to get something new. I though this time around I would try something a little more interesting that the usual boring, buzzing digital display clock - remember when alarm clocks had hands, dials and a cord?
Well, check this clock out - what great retro style!

AND it has a very cool wake-up feature - the initial alarm is a bright flashing light! "Does this actually wake you up?" you ask. Strangely enough it does. But in case you are a heavy sleeper, after five minutes, a very jarring bell does sound. After a few weeks, the bell has only gone off once (Bear shot off the bed like a rocket!), but I seemed to have mysteriously adjusted to sensing the flashing light. And, bonus, my alarm does not wake Carrie up.
Note - the first clock that we received did not work properly, but L.L. Bean has excellent customer service and we quickly receive a new, working clock.
I highly recommend this stylish, unique timepiece,which is available in 5 retro colors. I would have one in every room if Carrie would let me!
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